Vision Zero – cycle and scooter safety

In a vehicle or on a bike or scooter – safety first

When we leave our homes each day, we should all feel safe and confident about the journey ahead regardless of the mode of transport. 

The 'Hierarchy of Responsibility' in the Highway Code gives all road users a duty to ensure the safety of those who are more vulnerable than them. Therefore, HGV drivers have to take extra care of cyclists and scooter riders, and in turn, cyclists and scooter riders must lookout for pedestrians.

Whilst we should all navigate the roads in a way that reduces the risk of injury to others and ourselves (and is forgiving of mistakes), it’s important to remember that the person in control of a bigger and more dangerous vehicle must do everything they can to keep vulnerable road users safe.

Further information and resources

  • Free cycle training for staff and students: This covers basic bike handling skills for total beginners through to advanced skills for safe cycling in challenging traffic situations. 
  • Gear up for safety and security: Get subsidised lights, helmet, D-lock and more.
  • Oxford cycling incident hot spots: A map showing areas with a high number of collisions involving cyclists in Oxford in the past five years, based on data from the Department for Transport. An interactive map can also be found on the CrashMap website.
    • The map highlights two spots that require special attention: the St Giles area and the fork to Banbury and Woodstock roads and the St Clements traffic circle, also known as The Plain.
  • Bicycle loans: interest-free loans to buy a bicycle and safety equipment (staff only). 10% discount in local shops (staff and students). 
  • Cycle to work scheme: a salary sacrifice scheme enabling employees to purchase a new bike out of their pre-tax income via the Green Commute Initiative. 
  • Find your route: a cycle map showing all the on-road and traffic-free cycle routes in Oxford. 
  • Maintain it: the University has teamed up with mobile mechanics to provide bike maintenance with free labour for staff (just pay for parts). 
  • Mix it up: If you don’t want to cycle your whole route try combining cycling with Park&Ride, train or bus.

Contact us

Sustainable Travel team

+44 (0) 1865 2 88782